Citizens UK
Citizens UK is a people-powered alliance of diverse local communities working together for the common good. We aim to develop local leaders, strengthen local organisations and make change through the method of community organising.

Community organising is about bringing people together to win change. This means building community-led solutions to big and small problems, that work for everyone.

Through community organising, we work together to make change on the issues that matter, from campaigning for zebra crossings on dangerous roads, to reforming the immigration system, to the Living Wage campaign.

We know everyday people have the ability to shape the world around them and together, we put the power back into people’s hands to hold those responsible to account.

By building positive working relationships between communities, elected power-holders and businesses, we make sure everyone is heard and no one is left out. This is how we shift the balance of power, helping people come together across their differences, find common ground and win change.

Together, we have a proven track record of winning change on the things that you and your community care about most.


Founded in 1989, we are a single organisation with seventeen Chapters across England and Wales. Our Chapters are led by local people acting together for the common good through the method of Community Organising.

The UK has a rich history of people organising for power and change such as the Levellers, the Abolitionists, the Chartists, early trade unionists like the match girls and dock strikers, and the Suffragettes. Our work at Citizens UK is influenced by a heritage which draws on the broad-based organising of our sister organisation, the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) and before that the US civil rights movement.

Over the last thirty years we have won £1.8bn in additional wages for low paid workers, ended child detention for immigration purposes, secured an amnesty of ‘legacy cases’ for 160,000 asylum applicants as well as winning many victories at the local and regional level. We build power with people so that together we can move from the world as it is toward the world as it should be.

Some of our campaigns have spun off into dedicated projects, to create long-term change. The largest and most successful of these teams is the Living Wage Foundation which now accredits a network of over 13,000 employers who pay 300,000 employees the real Living Wage. Others include Parents and Communities Together (PACT) and Sponsor Refugees. We are proud of other social innovations that have successfully spun out to become independent organisations such as Safe Passage, London Community Land Trust and Money Mentors.

Mental Health
Social Mobility
Widening participation
Young People
City of Westminster

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Citizens UK
Transforming communities with Citizens UK
King’s becomes the first whole-university strategic partner of Citizens UK