The Migrateful idea was borne following discussions with a group of refugee women at a Time Bank project in Tower Hamlets. The women in the group were all very qualified, yet were unemployed because of language barriers and their qualifications were not recognised in the UK. When asked about the skills they could share with the group, many of them said they could cook. This gave Jess the idea to launch Migrateful in July 2017; with the aim to get these women into employment by supporting them to share their incredible cooking skills with the world.
Migrateful looks to support migrants in a number of ways relating to wellbeing, employability and integration. We provide our chefs with wider social networks, improved English language and communication skills, increased confidence, a source of income, and opportunities to celebrate and share their culture.
People who find themselves at the intersection of foodie and activist (and everyone in between)!
From being in a class to working behind the scenes, there are a wide range of ways to partcipate in Migrateful's mission.