King's Community Gardens are offering 4 successful volunteers the funds of £150-200 for an event planned in one of King's Community Garden.
The Community Gardens are ran by and for King's community, help organise the change you want to see now!
Do you have an idea for an community centered event at Kings? Are you interested in building community and influencing change? Do you want to organise an event to get to know your peers better?
Register your interest in organising an event for one of King's Community Gardens through this ->, Microsoft form.
This form will be open ended (no closing date) and reviewed quartly between the current King's Community Garden Committee.
For AY 2025, we are aiming to choose 4 events (2 for Denmark hill and 2 for Guys campus). Please read below for further information.
The events can be social, education or awareness raising related - so not just for gardeners! The event simply needs to be held at a King's Community Garden. Currently, there are Community Gardens at Guy's and Denmark Hill campus.
We are offering £150-200 funding per event, this fund can be used to cover any costs incurred related to organising the proposed event. Think: catering, decorations, games, etc. Costs of time spent organising cannot be covered.
We would love to hold a diverse variety of events in the Community Gardens that engage our Staff and Students, so with this, think big! If you have an idea for an event but would need help to make it happen, or you estimate requires a larger budget than what we are currently offering, do complete the form including that information. If circumstances change and the committee believes it is an event that could engage our King's community we will be in contact.
Fill out the following form here:
- This is an opportunity that allows you to be as creative as possible. The sky (as long as it costs £200 or less) is the limit.
- You could host and organise an event that you think could improve King's Community culture
- We can offer support and advice, so you won't be required to do all the work on your own.
- Meet new people, network, connect and make friends you wouldn't of been able to before.
- Organisation skill
- Communications skills
- Indepdence
- Event and co-ordinator planning
An enthuastic person with fun, exciting ideas that can be made into plans.
No experience of organising or event planning is needed, as mentioned decisions will be made on applications to the Microsoft form ->
All staff and students from any directories, faculties and departments are able to apply.
You can apply with different proposed plans as many times as you like.
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